B Positive Bloomfield: Effective 02-10-2025, Bloomfield has temporarily reduced hours to Monday through Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm. 

Important Notice:  Thursday, March 13th: Our Aramingo center's internet is restored and collections has resumed until 6:00pm tonight (last donor entry time). 

Do I Need To Wear A Face Mask Or Cloth Face Covering In The Center?
18 June, 2020 by
Do I Need To Wear A Face Mask Or Cloth Face Covering In The Center?
Jeff Thies

Per New Jersey Executive Order, all donors and employees are *REQUIRED* to wear a cloth face covering or medical mask while within a B Positive Plasma facility.  Donors who come to donate without an appropriate face covering will not gain entry to a center.  

The face-covering must be worn snugly over your mouth and nose throughout the entire donation visit, though your eyes must always be visible.  Please note that you will be asked to remove your face covering briefly at different stages for facial identification purposes.

Per CDC guidance, cloth face coverings must:

  • Fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face

  • Be secured with ties or ear loops

  • Include multiple layers of fabric

  • Allow for breathing without restriction

  • Be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to the shape

Do I Need To Wear A Face Mask Or Cloth Face Covering In The Center?
Jeff Thies
18 June, 2020
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