B Positive Bloomfield: Effective 02-10-2025, Bloomfield has temporarily reduced hours to Monday through Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm. 

Important Notice:  Thursday, March 13th: Our Aramingo center's internet is restored and collections has resumed until 6:00pm tonight (last donor entry time). 

7 July, 2020 by
B Positive Plasma LLC

During this time, plasma donation is more important than ever to provide life-saving therapies for immunocompromised patients.  Our top priority is to ensure that we are doing our part to keep you, our employees and our communities safe. 

B Positive Plasma has substantially enhanced its health and safety protocols for its centers:  

  • Per New Jersey Executive Order 122 and related orders, all donors, employees, and visitors are required to wear a face mask or cloth face covering while in the facility

  • Donors and employees will wash their hands and have their temperature taken upon entering the center before proceeding to other areas

  • Where possible, donors and employees will be appropriately socially distanced from others throughout the center. 

  • High-traffic and high-touch areas are being disinfected with increased frequency, and some center doors will be propped open to limit contact.

  • CDC-recommended chemicals and cleaning agents are being utilized for disinfection and sterilization, where appropriate. 

  • Additional screening questions and protocols for some donors, as required

  • All chairs have been removed from donor waiting areas to minimize surface area contact around the centers. 

  • Visitors and in-person meetings of any size have been extremely limited

  • Rooms in employee areas where people normally congregate (conference rooms, break rooms, etc.) are limited to having only a certain number of individuals at any time.

  • We are taking steps to ensure the welfare of our employees. This includes instructing employees who do not feel well to stay home and to consult their health care provider 

  • before returning to work, as appropriate.

  • Continuous health and safety education and recommendations are shared with our donors and personnel on social media, on our website, and within our facilities.

We are closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and are acting upon the guidance of official public health authorities.  We will continue to implement improvements as recommended or required by local, state and federal authorities.  

B Positive Plasma LLC
7 July, 2020
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